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There is an alternative future, Green Revolution

When we talk about the green revolution, we speak of the awareness and someone’s responsibility to protect the environment, this dates from 1980s, when the green issues started to become important.
The earth is 4 billion years old, whereas the man has only been around for 200 million years. However, we have squeezed all the natural resources without worrying about the consequences.
Nowadays, we can observe that since the industrial revolution, world energy consumption has grown steadily, and this has led to catastrophic incidents such as Chernobyl, oil spill from oil rigs or global warming. With this historical background, it is therefore clear that we have entered to another revolutionary stage, that of clean energy.

Renewable energies are increasing access to basic energy services in even the most remote areas, including heating, lighting and communications. Water pumping, wind turbines, micro hydro powered and biomass-based systems, solar pumps, hybrid mini-grids, and other renewable technologies are being employed in homes, schools, hospitals, and industrial areas of the developing world.
Sustainable development aims to build a clean planet in a caring environment. From now on, companies and institutions should focus on renewable energy to compete in a global market. It is estimated that within 25 years renewable energy will constitute 18% of global consumption, compared to 13% today. However, this value will not be enough to help mitigate the effects of global warming, so that is why, countries should make a greater effort to increase the share of clean energy.

The future is green. Iceland, Switzerland and Norway are among countries that respect the environment and enforce pollution control. Eco-neighborhoods, hybrid cars…There is a tangible sense of enthusiasm in this kind of projects, in how to construct a future using to alternative energy. We can do a lot more to harness the potential of our vast renewable sources of wind, water and sun.
Apart from those countries mentioned before, Spain is also increasingly involved in Eco-philosophy, trying to raise a generation that will live in harmony with sustainable energy. Our country has become the fourth largest producer of wind energy, behind China, USA and Germany, with an installed capacity of 21,150 MW during the first half of this year.

Furthermore, with the approval of the Renewable Energies Plan (PER) 2011-2020, Spain ratifies its aim of achieving 20.8% of its energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020. In this sense it a mechanism to enhance the power consumption from renewable sources (mainly solar and mini-wind) has been introduced in the PER. This encouraging figure means that, we can still return a little stability to the planet, helping to create a green world. A change that supports “energy democracy”, in Spain and around the world.

As the journalist and naturalist Joaquín Araújo said "The earth is our refuge, help protect it and take care of it as this is the future of many generations." As far as we are concerned this quotation is the best summary for this article, so let´s start thinking in an alternative future!


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